Dissolves wax, gum, varnishes from fuel system, emulsifies water,
decarbonises and deglazes combustion chambers, kills microbial growth
in diesel, will not poison convertors/oxygen sensors.
100ml FUEL-KLEEN treats 100 ltrs petrol and diesel at $9.00/bottle
Even cheaper in 10 Ltr bult lots.

/ Anti-Boil
STD antifreeze / antiboil (AS2108-97)
1ltr bottles at $6.00 each.
20ltr drums at $93.50 each.
SKAF premium grade
antifreeze / anti-boil (HN6043/GMH2043)
5ltr drums at $35.00 each.
20ltr drums at $110.00 each.
205ltr drums at $820.00 each.

Fortron STRONG
A superb oil especially designed for the older engine to reduce oil
burning and improve pressure - impressive performance.
5ltr drums at $30.00 each. |

Engine Flush
Helps remove sludge, dirt and other contaminants.
Helps clean and free pistons rings and valves.
325ml bottles at $9.00 each.
Even cheaper in bulk lots. |

Injector Cleaner
Suitable for carburetted vehicles also helps clean fouled fuel injectors.
Maintains fuel system efficiency.
Helps correct rough idle and hesitation.
325ml bottles at $9.00 each. |

Cooling System 2000
Helps prevent rust and corrosion
Helps protect aluminium and cast heads
Helps maintain cooling system.
325ml bottles at $9.00 each. |

Oil Fortifier
Helps reduce oil burning
Helps maintain oil pressure.
Helps boost oil viscosity.
325ml bottles at $9.00 each. |

Oil Conditioner
Helps ensure optimum lubrication.
Helps reduce friction and improve fuel economy.
325ml bottles at $9.00 each. |

Gasket Stripper
Specially formulated to actively soften all gasket and jointing compounds.
400g cans at $9.00 each. |

Carburettor Cleaner
Specially formulated for the cleaning of throttle bodies and carburettor
400g cans at $9.00 each. |

Silicone Lube
Lubricates, Waterproofs, Polishes and Protects
350g cans at $9.00 each. |

Fortac Synthetic Lubricants
Specially formulated for motorcycles.
O Ring Safe, marine, mining, farming, automotive, food processing.
350g cans at $9.00 each. |

Brake and Parts Cleaner
Cleans brakes without disassembling.
Cleans parts, chains and slides.
500g cans at $9.00 each. |

WD Lube
Multi-use water displacing and rust stopping lubricants.
Dries ignition leads, starters and plugs.
Prevents corrosion. Excellent penetrability.
400g cans at $9.00 each. |

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